On the west coast of Vancouver sits this custom-built single-family home. Encompassing over 4000 square feet, this home seamlessly merges sleek design with practical functionality. The homeowner wanted sunlight to flood this impressive home all day, creating a warm, inviting ambiance.

AEROFRAME worked with the builder, Goldwood Homes, to design a full-house package featuring multiple lift & slide doors, oversized windows, tilt & turn windows and swing doors across the 2-story home.


Client: Goldwood Homes
Designer: Craig Chevalier Designs
Installers: Eagleview Glass
Timeline: 2024


AEROFRAME matches fascia aluminum with our color match. Here the nail fin install works seamlessly with rail screen application.

Tilt only windows are installed below fixed windows to improve air circulation and produce a seamless appearance.

Once flooring is laid the sill will transition seamlessly to outdoor patio. Perfectly framing the waterfront views.

Oversized lift & slide doors have been installed on top and bottom floors to maximize indoor-outdoor space.


Lift & Slide

Bring the outdoors inside. Enhance your space with superior thermal efficiency and expansive views,.

Casement Windows

Designed to seamlessly blend with oversized frames.

Swing Doors

Reliable and effective at maximizing security and space.

Work with us

AEROFRAME works with builders and architects to create custom window and door solutions that meet energy code requirements in Canada and the United States. Our products are approved to NFRC and NAFS testing standards.

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